Recent advancement in artificial intelligence (AI), wireless communications technology and mainly robotics have tremendously brought the forth advances in the surveillance and security solutions in the form of surveillance drones and autonomous security robots. These surveillance and futuristic security solutions are slowly being adopted by most of the companies in various industries across the world.
Autonomous Security Robots
When it comes to businesses, security is one of the top concerns. Securing and protecting the property, locations, assets, and personnel is all in a day’s work for the security professionals working across the wide selection of sectors and industries. The main challenge for any of the organization seeking to hire the security staff is getting the most out of their money. For many of the security guards in the companies, many of their workings are spent doing nothing but just patrolling and monitoring, with time spent actively dealing with suspicious or intrusions activity few and far between. It could be especially challenging while dealing with large areas that need more number of security guards to protect. And here is the place where Autonomous Security Robots, make their entry.
Autonomous security robots are the automated surveillance and security robots that blend and use the multitude of various technologies so as to perform the operations of security and surveillance such as investigation, reporting, monitoring, and intruder detection. These typically automated surveillance robots utilize weather sensors, GPS navigation equipment, cameras and microphones, motion detectors,
electrical motors, digital or network (IP) sensors, some sort of image recognition software, and a computer to perform the tasks needed of them. These systems can also be designed specifically for indoor or outdoor use, with the outdoor models typically using more rugged materials to better endure the outdoor environments.
Various makers, manufacturers, and models will consist of different layouts and designs when it comes to the mobility factor. Few autonomous security robots can travel around by using the traditional motorized wheels whereas others robots make use of tank-like tracks to navigate the environment. The robot type used mainly depends on each individual usage, purpose and the overall security objectives of businesses who invest in those solutions.
The main sectors in which these autonomous security robots are being used in today’s world range from the basic monitoring practices to the acting as force multipliers for the traditional security teams. Using wireless network communication or Wi-Fi to send and receive the data, these automated surveillance robots are able to communicate with other autonomous security robots as well as being remotely accessed by the authorized security personnel who can then monitor the robot’s microphones, cameras, and all the other data sources. With the ability to remotely access the security robot’s microphones, cameras, and sensory data, it lets security operators not only to react and assess to unfolding situations in short span of time in an effective manner, but also, it will allow for mobile surveillance to increase monitoring and coverage capabilities. Best of all, with these autonomous security robots that can be remotely accessed, the security personnel need not be in a control room at every time or designated monitoring area to access live security footage as it can be accessed via their tablet or smartphone.
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