Home protection from burglary is the biggest challenge you can ever face. The simple steps listed here can keep your home and property safe. Hiring dedicated security personnel from a trusted company can be the most preferred option if you could afford to pay. They can work in shifts to guard your home externally. Make sure you have locked all the doors and windows securely. If the personnel can also take care of lawn moving, gardening, garbage disposal and mailer and newspaper collection you can consider yourself lucky. The other option is to request for the house sitter to care for your home until you are back from vacation. You can search for professional house sitters from trusted security companies online. Make sure you have verified their identity details and other security related information before hiring.
Advanced Monitoring Systems
- If you are unable to find any personnel for security or house sitting, the next option is to use the advanced technology systems for monitoring and protection. Sensors and Cameras connected to centralized control panel can be monitored through your smart phone. They can also connect to the nearest station house or private security firm. Motion detectors, intruder detectors and touch sensors (on door and window locks) are some of the automated systems you can install at home and connect with the centralized monitoring and control system. The time interval between the detection, alarm and arrival of the security personnel needs to be the shortest if you wish to take preventive care. Pipelines connecting to your home walls and ceilings are the easiest of access points for the burglars while you are away. Make sure you have installed the detection and alarm systems at these points specifically.
- Video sensors with suspicious movement detectors are helpful in generating alarm signals in your smart phone when someone approaches your home. You can take a clear view of the intruder and record the movements. At the same time you will be able to alert the alarm at the local security office, making it possible to take immediate action. This approach also wok as the best preemptive measure to protect you home from intruders.
Keep Burglars Away
- Create an Illusion: – You can set up remote controlled systems (operated through your smart phone) with connection to lighting, Television and a few other electronic devices. You may turn these devices on and off randomly during the day and night and day to create an illusion that somebody is at home.
- Hire a Housekeeper: – The housekeeper can take care of the garden, garbage, garage, newspapers, mailers and couriers and other mundane jobs regularly. Removing snow and keeping the house exteriors clean can keep the burglars away by avoiding suspicion.
- Lock Away valuables: – Don’t keep any valuables like cash, jewellery, bonds and others at home while going on vacation. You can find many safe locker rooms at your bank and trusted security centers. They can take care of your belongings at nominal rent.
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